gtag('config', 'UA-154794471-2'); artist booking: Beatboxing : Introduction to Improvisation

Monday, February 10, 2020

Beatboxing : Introduction to Improvisation

Best Practices For Beatboxing

Beatboxing is a type of percussion in which the performer mimics the drums using his/her mouth, lips, tongue and voice. Beatboxing can also include mimicking other musical instruments other than drums. This form or genre of instrumental music is always connected to the very popular and widely accepted Hip-Hop culture and is also known as vocal percussion. It is said to be the fifth element of Hip-Hop culture.

As we are talking about beatboxing in today's blog, let me tell you that beatboxing is among the most trending forms of art that are loved and appreciated by the younger generation. The generation-X or we can say the youngsters are going head over heels to learn the art of beatboxing. This crazy love for beatboxing came in hands with the western influence. It took a little time for beatboxing to get the fame, popularity and the respect that it deserved. But now even a child in India knows about Beatboxing. The popularity of beatboxing has become so high that now many people book beatboxers to have performances at their events.
Divyansh Kacholia, who is one of the most talented beatboxers in India, said to Witty Feed that “Beatboxing has improved at a pace in India in the last three years”. He says that it is important to see yourself as a music composer more than being just a beatboxer. Beatboxing has always been about learning to create and produce music. He also said that “I have seen artists leaving the profession after reaching a particular height. I believe at such a point one must hold on”.

So when we say that beatboxing is about creating and producing music and as it is a form in which the music comes from mimicking other instruments using the mouth, lips, tongue, and voice, It becomes very important for a beatboxer to continuously explore his talent. He/she should always keep experimenting. When a beatboxer experiment with the talents he/she is having will always find new forms and variations that they can use to improvise their beatboxing skills during their performances.

When we talk about improvising in beatboxing, It seems like it is very important to do so because in beatboxing the only source of sound or music is the mouth. Improvising is just about allowing something new to happen and to let go of something old. A beatboxer can develop the habit of improvising only by practicing. And if a beatboxer wants to find or discover their own real, unique and authentic sound they must improvise.

I hope you liked this blog!

To Book Beatboxer online for events, please visit StarClinch
(India’s No.1 artist and celebrity booking website).

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